Noel Rowlands6 days ago2 min readKei Kei Lam: Connection through ClubsNoel Rowlands Staff Writer Olivia “Kei Kei” Lam made a big splash at Cape Henlopen by founding the Asian Culture Club (ACC). After...
Valentin Cotoc-OrtizMar 62 min readVarela Teacher ReplacementValentin Cotoc-Ortiz Staff Writer Amidst Cape’s 24-25 school year, new arrival Cheryl Varela de Lofgren has taken over the classes of...
Noel Rowlands & Lina JensenDec 2, 20242 min read Stacy Thomas: Unsung HeroNoel Rowlands '28 Lina Jensen '27 This year Cape has welcomed many new students and staff to the highschool. One of them being Stacy...
Zoey Neufeld & Ella Williamson & Brynne FoxNov 22, 20242 min readNot all Math Teachers are Polite, Just SumZoey Neufeld, ‘28 Ella Williamson, ‘28 Brynne Fox, ‘27 Staff Writer Tommie Polite is Cape’s newest ninth grade Algebra 1 teacher....
Anika Sekhri & Heaven Turner Nov 20, 20242 min readIzykowski Invites Innovation and Inspiration to Cape’s New StaffAnika Sekhri ‘28 Heaven Turner ‘26 Staff Writer This year, Cape Henlopen High School welcomed Katie Izykowski as a social studies and...
Lucy TollettJan 25, 20242 min readThe Spectacular Sophia HerreraLucy Tollett, ‘26 Staff Writer Cape Junior Sophia Herrera is an avid member of the community, student, and role model. She always puts...
Angie SpinelliNov 28, 20232 min readMrs. Ashby: A New Helping Hand in Special Ed Angie Spinelli ‘27 Staff Writer A variety of new teachers have come to work at Cape Henlopen High School. Among the crowd, Nancy Ashby...
Chesney MorrisNov 28, 20232 min readGet Ready for our Dedicated Danielle SmithChesney Morris ‘27 Staff Writer Danielle Smith is a new social studies teacher at Cape this year. She can create a lively atmosphere for...
Cape PublicationsMay 15, 20203 min readLong-Term Subs Support Cape StudentsKrista Brittingham '21 - Editor The 2019-2020 school year has brought many drastic changes to the classroom environment at Cape Henlopen...
Cape PublicationsMay 7, 20201 min readStudent Spotlight: Sophie SchoenfeldSwain Lee ‘22 - Associate Editor The Cape Viking logo has rested on the front cover of the Viking Ventures newspaper since its creation....
Cape PublicationsMay 5, 20203 min readVanilla Latte SpectacularRuby Dillard '20 - Editor-in-Chief The year: 1950, the place: Berkley, California where an Italian-trained barista named Lino Meiorin...
Cape PublicationsMay 5, 20202 min readDiscovering the Practice of Self-LoveGwen Gofus '23 - Staff Writer Self-love is a regard for one’s own well-being and happiness. According to Raylen Williams, a yoga and...